Respawning & Rebooting

Hey, everyone!!! It's been so long since I've been here & I've missed it (and a lot of you) very much! This past school year was one of the hardest I've had in my 8 year teaching career. I switched states, with a new district that was completely different and harder, but in a good … Continue reading Respawning & Rebooting

Why I Love Reading Challenges (But Won’t be Setting a Goodreads Goal)

It's not a big secret on this blog that I like read-a-thons and reading challenges. I mean, my title even has "readathons" in it. I've been thinking a lot about meaningful reading goals lately, and how those tie in with different reading challenges I've attempted, and ones I plan on attempting next year in 2018. … Continue reading Why I Love Reading Challenges (But Won’t be Setting a Goodreads Goal)