Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 New-To-Me Authors in 2016


Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme from the bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there’s a different theme from which to build a Top 10 list. This week the theme is the top 10 authors you’ve read for the first time this year. Without further ado, here’s my list for the week (in no particular order)!

1. Deborah Harkness

I love the All Souls Trilogy!! I was very reluctant to read it, but someone gave me a copy of the second book, which obviously meant I had to read the first one…so then I read the whole trilogy because I loved it so much. It’s a fun combination of paranormal/supernatural and historical information, with a dash of romance. I can’t wait to see what Harkness comes up with next! (And I’m really looking forward to the next book featuring Matthew & Diana!)

2. Victoria/V.E. Schwab

Another favorite series of mine this year was the Shades of Magic series. I’m literally DYING waiting for the last installment…but also dreading it because then I’ll be so sad that it’s over. Basically, I’m conflicted. However, that doesn’t detract from how Victoria/V.E. Schwab is one of my absolute new favorite authors I’ve read this year. If you haven’t read anything by her, you should. I have her book This Savage Song eying me. Hoping to get to it over holiday break!

3. John Lewis

John Lewis is a U. S. Senator. He’s also the author of a series of graphic novel memoirs (March) detailing his time spent protesting in the Civil Rights Movement. They’re really well done in black and white, and mean something to me personally as parts of it take place in Nashville, where I currently live. I’ve read the first 2 installments and I can’t wait to get to the newest one (#3!).

4. Victoria Aveyard

I’ve really enjoyed the Red Queen series this year. I’m looking forward to its final installment as well. I’ve also super enjoyed following Victoria Aveyard on Twitter. She’s not afraid to say what she thinks. I like it!

5. Zen Cho


If you’ve been reading my blog, you’ve most likely seen me mention this book. I really loved it when I read it earlier this year. It has magic and features characters of color and women in a really amazing version of London. I’m looking forward to the sequel next summer!

6. Jenny Lawson


Jenny Lawson is pretty much my spirit animal. Or something like that. She’s funny and so very much herself that I couldn’t help but love this memoir. It’s honest and heartfelt, and also hilarious. I want to read everything else she’s ever written.

7. Marissa Meyer

I dragged my feet on reading The Lunar Chronicles and was really happy when I finally got to them. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about a cyborg Cinderella, but it turns out I really liked it the way Meyer wrote it. I’m eagerly looking forward to reading Heartless very soon!

8. Nicola Yoon


Yoon’s YA novel was really well done. I loved the story, and the drawings. The romance was spectacularly sweet. I can’t wait until my book of the month box comes so that I can read her newest one!

9. Zoraida Cordova


I absolutely loved the concept of this novel. It was unique and well-written, and I really really want the sequel now! Zoraida Cordova has created a fascinating world of brujas and magic and a fascinating alternate realm.

10. Tiffany McDaniel


This book broke my heart, but it was extremely well-written and engrossing. The characters were fascinating. It’s one of those books that I think everyone should read, as it reminds us of the insidious power of ideas and biases, and the pain and hurt and destruction they can cause. A powerful novel, and I look forward to reading more by this author.

11. Rin Chupeco

30095464This book doesn’t come out until next year, and due to publisher policy, my review of it won’t run until closer to the release date (I got it from Netgalley), but I just can’t help but put the author on this list. This dark fantasy novel is about a young girl who discovers her gift for magic runs towards necromancy, which makes her very important in her society. The book truly immerses you in a fascinating world, and a story that keeps you guessing until the end. I look forward to the further books in the series, and I plan on reading up on some of Chupeco’s back catalog, too.

12. Traci Chee


Another book that is a different sort of fantasy, Traci Chee’s The Reader is a fantasy for all bookworms everywhere. A world where books don’t exist, except for the Book, which is magic. An order of librarians, who seem a wee bit evil. A girl who knows nothing of her past and is trying to figure out why she is important. I can’t wait to revisit Chee’s world in the sequel.

13. Kendare Blake


I don’t read horror, so I haven’t read Blake’s books before, but after reading Three Dark Crowns I might just give it a try. This book was not at all what I expected, but I liked what I got more than what I thought it was going to be (if that makes any kind of sense). Another book where I can’t wait for the sequel, I may actually try Anna Dressed in Blood to further explore Blake’s work.

What authors made your list? Any recommendations based on these authors? Let me know below!!




5 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 New-To-Me Authors in 2016

  1. I just finished the Bone Witch and adored it to pieces. Such a fascinating world. I also can’t wait to read her past releases. Awesome list for this week.

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